
Hard Numbers

Some stats and figures on the news industry
January 8, 2011

100 journalists and analysts to be hired by Bloomberg Government, a D.C.-based subscription service launching in early 2011

$2,495 gets you access to one vertical—health care, technology, or energy—from Politico Pro, another forthcoming subscriber service covering Washington. Additional verticals will cost $1,000 each.

57 percent of respondents to a September Gallup poll said they have little to no trust in the media to report fully, accurately, and fairly

61 percent of Internet users eighteen and over visited a newspaper website last September; 102.8 million users spent 3.3 billion minutes browsing the sites

8,000+ e-mails were sent to NPR’s ombudsman in the four days following analyst Juan Williams’s October 2010 firing

5 percent of news coverage was devoted to Williams the week he was fired. It was the third most covered media story since 2007, following Don Imus’s suspension and Tim Russert’s death.

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105,000 paying customers accessed The Times of London and The Sunday Times in the four months after a paywall was introduced in July

2.7 million unique users accessed both Timeses online in October, down 87 percent from 21 million earlier in the year

24 percent of news subjects in 2010 were women, according to a Global Media Monitoring Project report

17 percent of news subjects in 1995 were women

The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.