news meeting

Vacation Mode

What, if any, media sources do you still check while on vacation?
August 18, 2009

With half the world and all of Washington D.C. on vacation–including the commander-in-chief, who will be summering on Martha’s Vineyard for a week starting on Sunday–we want to know if you plugged-in, media-addicted types welcome a chance to power down and disconnect from your various electronic devices, social networking sites, digital feeds and cable television loops — or if you just can’t stand to be disconnected from outside events. After all, as friends of reporters at The New York Times tell us, we are living in an increasingly digital-media-obsessed culture, and not being able to check your Twitter account before you brush your teeth in the morning puts a bad taste in some people’s mouths.

If, when vacationing, you do subject yourself to self-imposed news blackouts but still find yourself sneaking a peek at the news cycle, what is the one thing that you check out? Local newspapers? Your Twitter feed? The New York Times‘s home page? HuffPo? What is your media guilty pleasure? Extra points for answering

The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.