
Anybody here named Joe ?

January 22, 2004

Remember when Joe Lieberman was regarded as a major player in the New Hampshire primary — like, four days ago? What happened?

In the various drumbeating advances for tonight’s debate and reports on the shifting sands of the Granite State’s Tuesday vote, a certain candidate seems to have dropped off the media’s radar.

The Washington Post lumps Lieberman in one sentence with Rev. Al Sharpton and Rep. Dennis Kucinich. The Los Angeles Times gives the former contender a short three grafs, one of which mentions his new press bus, “Integrity One.” And in a lengthy New York Times article describing John Kerry’s new strategy (and ignoring the other guys), Lieberman gets the same “Lieberwho?” treatment.

The poor guy; he’s been relegated to a footnote even before he gets to make a footprint.


Susan Q. Stranahan wrote for CJR.