the kicker

About That CW on Bush’s HIV/AIDS Legacy

“Even human rights purist [and New York Times columnist] Nicholas Kristof” has lauded President Bush’s HIV/AIDS work, writes Danielle Maestretti in the Utne Reader in a...
July 2, 2008

“Even human rights purist [and New York Times columnist] Nicholas Kristof” has lauded President Bush’s HIV/AIDS work, writes Danielle Maestretti in the Utne Reader in a piece headlined “Bush, the AIDs President? Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper,” in which she convincingly questions the congealing conventional wisdom about this Bush “legacy” and whether The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe should be “assigning legacy-level success to Bush’s $15 billion global HIV/AIDS initiative.”

Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.