the kicker

NYT Mag‘s $400K Story: A Cost Breakdown

August 31, 2009

Clara Jeffery at Mother Jones got the New York Times Magazine‘s editor, Gerald Marzorati, to break down, via email, the $400K figure he put on Sunday’s Sheri Fink cover story exploring, as Greg previewed last week, “the ‘deadly choices’ made in [Hurricane Katrina’s] wake at New Orleans’s Memorial Medical Center.”

And? Only $40K for lawyers!

Fink’s piece is on the top of my “to read/should have already read” pile (hanging head in shame) but Jeffrey calls it “great,” “the kind of work that is in peril now that the financial underpinnings (i.e. advertising) for journalism have collapsed,” the kind of work that “bloggers and commenters and citizen journalists can’t take on” (although they “can add to it, amplify it, criticize it, and generally run with it.”)

Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.