the kicker

Take my newspaper… Please!

The Observer’s John Kolbin has a funny rundown of an internal rah-rah meeting hosted by Arthur Sulzberger Jr. for employees of The New York Times. Take...
September 12, 2008

The Observer’s John Kolbin has a funny rundown of an internal rah-rah meeting hosted by Arthur Sulzberger Jr. for employees of The New York Times. Take this exchange:

A man asked, very directly, why the Company doesn’t sell its regional newspapers?

It seemed to catch [Sulzberger] off guard. “Here, meet my family,” he said, by way of distraction. “Take my daughter.” There was silence. “Not in that way,” he followed up. Awkward laughter.


Also discussed was the Times’s Web numbers and a bit of boardroom intrigue. For more on those subjects, check out CJR’s July/August cover story on Sulzberger and the challenges his paper is facing. Trust me, it’s a really good piece, but I can’t promise that kind of humor.

Clint Hendler is the managing editor of Mother Jones, and a former deputy editor of CJR.