the kicker

Why, Wolf, Why?

What is Wolf Blitzer “watching very closely” in the Situation Room right now? Well, according to his opening tease, he will “ask [Terry McAuliffe] how he...
April 21, 2008

What is Wolf Blitzer “watching very closely” in the Situation Room right now? Well, according to his opening tease, he will “ask [Terry McAuliffe] how he expects his candidate [Clinton] will do” in the Pennsylvania primary.

Why, Wolf, Why? Can’t we answer that question (Hmm, how might the chairman of a candidate’s campaign expect that candidate will do?) without suffering through the segment? What does another round of expectations-management actually do for viewers?

I guess this is just the beginning of the end of Cable Covers the Keystone State, which will be kicking into high gear shortly…

UPDATE: Breaking news from McAuliffe: “We will win tomorrow. We will win in Pennsylvania… If [Obama] can’t [win] tomorrow…”

Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.