Extreme weather porn June 11, 2013 By Steven Rosenbaum How much tv weather reporting is news, and how much is just non-contextualized drama?
Boehner’s overlooked acknowledgment March 20, 2013 By David Cay Johnston The Speaker–and Paul Ryan–say we don’t have an immediate debt crisis. Isn’t that news?
Audit Notes: pyramid people, Disney and ABC, no USA Today paywall November 30, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Roddy Boyd digs into a diet-shake pyramid scheme
BPI’s beef with ABC News October 3, 2012 By Curtis Brainard ‘Pink slime’ defamation suit a long shot, media report
Leaving the news September 26, 2012 By Thomas Nagorski A news editor is moving on, but his nerves may not be
The WSJ bakes a bogus trend June 25, 2012 By Ryan Chittum And ABC copies its grocery-store wedding cake story
Besser to Oz: “You Were Right” December 6, 2011 By Curtis Brainard Consumer Reports confirms arsenic-in-apple-juice investigation