When ‘reader engagement’ is more than a buzzword June 24, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith A collaborative investigation seeks to make readers care about rampant problems in Alabama’s prisons
‘You can’t do more with less’: Reaction to the Star-Ledger cuts April 3, 2014 By Aparna Alluri Latest round of job losses will hit a quarter of the newsroom
Grief and grievances at The Plain Dealer February 13, 2014 By Anna Clark Advance’s paper in Cleveland is embroiled in a labor dispute as it charts a new digital path
‘This used to be a newsroom’ — the scene at the Cleveland Plain Dealer January 17, 2014 By Anna Clark As a diminished staff adapts to new rules and new space, "newsroom culture is gone"
Tracking digital-era news quality declines January 14, 2014 By Dean Starkman A Tulane student project tracks the Times-Picayune before and after a digital overhaul
What’s next in Ann Arbor? September 17, 2013 By Anna Clark Advance changes gears again, as media-savvy locals try to fill the gaps