Too Big to Fail banks still extend, pretend October 10, 2013 By Ryan Chittum American Banker reports the big four are sitting on tens of billions of dollars of losses
Hot air housing stories? October 8, 2013 By David Cay Johnston News reports on rising housing prices, including rentals, neglect a basic economic fact
Audit Notes: The unbanked, Paolo Pellegrini, a debt collector pauses August 1, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The NYT on the minor mishaps keep people out of the banking system
Audit Notes: NYT on JPM, The Guardian‘s future, Big Lie of the crisis July 7, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Jamie Dimon’s bank pressured brokers to steer clients into its own funds
The Banker Finds Possible “Trouble” at Chase (UPDATED) January 11, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Debt-collection lawsuits dry up in at least five states, raising questions about past practices
Reuters On the "Payment Protection" Scam November 16, 2011 By Ryan Chittum Plus, an American Banker columnist’s predatory-lending past
Audit Notes: Overdraft Ethics, CNN’s Wall Street Apologist, U.S. Gas Boom October 7, 2011 By Ryan Chittum
The Foreclosure Scandal Continues (UPDATED) September 1, 2011 By Ryan Chittum American Banker and Reuters show banks thumbing their nose at the law
Excellent Reporting on the Revolving Door By American Banker August 4, 2011 By Ryan Chittum Paper’s FOIA request shows a former FHA commish palling around with his future employer
Audit Notes: Gutting Blame-the-Borrowers, Geithner Going? Wages and Profits June 30, 2011 By Ryan Chittum
Bank of America’s Disastrous Countrywide Deal June 30, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The "dumb" money squandered tens of billions of dollars on Angelo Mozilo’s predatory lender