Taking stock in Texas October 4, 2013 By Richard Parker Our correspondent recaps the conversation at a CJR event in Austin, and adds some thoughts of his own
Invasion of the Job Snatcher September 6, 2013 By Deron Lee As the Missouri media takes up arms against Rick Perry, some facts and context get lost in the fray
Voting wars redux in Texas August 22, 2013 By Richard Parker The state and the feds are still at odds over core election issues. Will coverage match the urgency of the moment?
Who is Greg Abbott? July 24, 2013 By Richard Parker Texans still don’t know enough about the man who aspires to replace Rick Perry
Back to the basics on immigration July 12, 2013 By Richard Parker With reform push stalled, it’s time to focus on fundamentals–and explore how the issue looks from across the border
Still, water June 4, 2013 By Richard Parker The battle to control water in Texas may be even more defining than the battle to control oil here 100 years ago, and it needs to be covered with an urgency to match