Must-reads of the week November 7, 2014 By The Editors Why in-house innovation is important, how polling data can be dangerous, and evaluating ESPN’s journalistic standards
For the WSJ, access doesn’t pay off March 21, 2014 By Ryan Chittum While Businessweek, locked out, gets the big Target hacking story
Audit Notes: Potshots at Snowden, News Corp. snake pit, Jamie Dimon November 5, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A Bloomberg BusinessWeek editor doesn’t like the guy’s attitude
BusinessWeek’s billion-dollar boo-boo March 29, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A poor piece spreads bogus news about Amazon’s Goodreads acquisition
More on that BusinessWeek cover February 28, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A firestorm over its unintentionally inflammatory art
Don’t judge a Bloomberg Businessweek by its cover (UPDATED) February 28, 2013 By Sara Morrison Andres Guzman drew the controversial cover
A BusinessWeek cover crosses a line February 28, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Minorities as greedy grotesqueries fueling a new housing bubble
Stories I’d Like to See February 28, 2012 By Steven Brill Super PAC cash, immigration rules, and Businessweek’s revival
BusinessWeek Goes Inside a Critical Hacking Scandal Meeting February 9, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Murdoch, at a fork in the road, chose the coverup
Audit Notes: Bloomberg’s BW Investment, Jobs For Robots, NCAA Injustice January 17, 2012 By Ryan Chittum
Banana Republic April 13, 2011 By Ryan Chittum Alt-weekly and mainstream exposés on how the richest Americans game the tax system