Two new surveys shed light on trust and circulation of British press September 13, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield Digital readership is combined with print numbers for the first time
Pomp and circumstance: How do Americans see the Brits? August 22, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield Two American correspondents tell how they explain British idiosyncrasies
I tweet therefore I can August 9, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield Whose job is it to make sure tweeters stay within the law?
The British media after Leveson July 30, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield Editors say more regulation could cripple the UK press
A big week for the British press July 25, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield Rupert Murdoch resigns, Leveson Inquiry closes, UK journalists charged
Brain waves May 1, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Articles about neuroscience push ideology, inflame divisions, study says