Romney and His Health Care Plan May 13, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Does he or doesn’t he like what he did?
Q&A: Poli-Sci Blogger John Sides May 19, 2011 By Greg Marx The GWU professor on what we can—and can’t—learn from early polling
More from Candidate Pawlenty May 26, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman A glimmer or two of context from the media
Covering the Cain Campaign May 31, 2011 By Greg Marx Herman Cain’s probably not a serious candidate. That doesn’t mean the press shouldn’t cover him.
Campaign Strategies May 31, 2011 By The Editors How should the media determine the sort of coverage a candidate deserves?
The Journal Takes on Tim Pawlenty June 2, 2011 By Greg Marx A good start, but there’s more to be done
On Monetary Policy and Presidential Politics June 2, 2011 By Greg Marx The next election may depend on the economy. So where are the efforts to fix it?
Nobody Loves Rick June 6, 2011 By Greg Marx Skeptical coverage for Santorum’s entry to the presidential race
Jon Huntsman’s Vision for the Future of Medicare June 9, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Whose moral obligation is it?
Pawlenty’s Economic Fantasy June 9, 2011 By Greg Marx A mixed showing from the press as the GOP contender sets out his plan
On Eric Bolling’s "Hizzy" Fit June 16, 2011 By Liz Cox Barrett Is anyone watching (at) Fox Business Network?
Huntsman as McCain Redux June 20, 2011 By Greg Marx And why the similarities create perils for the press
What Should Chris Wallace Have Asked? June 28, 2011 By The Editors “Flake”-free questions for Michele Bachmann
How to Understand the ‘Invisible Primary’ July 5, 2011 By Greg Marx An interview with Georgetown professor Hans Noel
Covering the Fringe Candidates August 23, 2011 By Greg Marx How should the press decide which dissents to take seriously?
Deep Health Care Problems under Rick Perry’s Watch September 14, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Deep in the heart of Texas
On Cain Story, Politico Had Grounds to Publish November 5, 2011 By Greg Marx Despite the story’s flaws
Romney’s Marie Antoinette Moment November 28, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman What, let them have health care?
Switching Sides on Social Security November 29, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Look who’s getting rid of the payroll tax
Morning Edition Connects With Regular People December 8, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman But is anybody listening in Washington, DC?
Pinning Down the President December 15, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Challenging Obama for overpromising on health care
A Good Payroll Tax Piece from the Post January 4, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Finally, some balance from WaPo
When Elections Decide Nothing January 4, 2012 By Clint Hendler The maddening inevitability of momentum
Searching for Santorum January 7, 2012 By Erika Fry After his surge, it’s hard to find much needed coverage of who he is and what he wants
Santorum Goes After Social Security January 9, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The AP covers Rick’s empty rhetoric
Legal Immigrants Win in Massachusetts January 16, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman But the political press misses the story
Stories I’d Like to See January 17, 2012 By Steven Brill Campaign questions, the world’s worst government agency, and medical lobbies
Romney’s History on Medicare January 23, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman How he came to accept “premium support”
Stories I’d Like to See January 24, 2012 By Steven Brill More primary math, Boeing’s second chance, and DHS mission creep
What Mitt Really Believes About Entitlements February 2, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Protecting Social Security and Medicare
The Right-Wing Media’s Discipline Machine February 15, 2012 By Ben Adler Talk radio and Fox News bully the GOP candidates into line—and, in the process, offer a narrow vision of conservatism
A Medicare Memo to Campaign Reporters February 27, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Tailing Mitt on Medicare and Social Security, too
NPR Rethinks Its Reporting March 5, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Will "he said/she said" go away for good?
Rick Santorum’s Math Problem March 9, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The press doesn’t fall for his incorrect Obamacare answer
Repaving the Trail March 14, 2012 By Justin Peters Campaign reporting can be terrible. Here’s how to make it better.
EXTRA Unpacks the Media’s Medicare Coverage April 17, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Are journalists writing for doctors or for patients?
What it takes to win the White House May 14, 2012 By Jordan Michael Smith A review of Samuel L. Popkin’s The Candidate
What happened, anyway? November 13, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The election may be over, but the self-protective spin is not
An election post-mortem on Medicare coverage November 15, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Coverage? Yes. Guidance? Not so much
A political documentary that defies convention December 24, 2012 By Justin Peters How’s Your News? takes a skewed perspective on Campaign 2012
Must-reads of 2012: politics December 26, 2012 By Liz Cox Barrett and Greg Marx What you should have read (in case you didn’t)