The Plain Dealer drops PolitiFact, but keeps on factchecking June 17, 2014 By Anna Clark Truth in Numbers feature brings reader ratings to the truth squad movement
Private schools May 6, 2014 By Anna Clark As public university boards become increasingly opaque, reporters try to fight back
Trial heat polls: All heat, no light February 21, 2014 By Brendan Nyhan They generate plenty of stories, but it’s way too early for polls to predict anything about 2016
Grief and grievances at The Plain Dealer February 13, 2014 By Anna Clark Advance’s paper in Cleveland is embroiled in a labor dispute as it charts a new digital path
‘This used to be a newsroom’ — the scene at the Cleveland Plain Dealer January 17, 2014 By Anna Clark As a diminished staff adapts to new rules and new space, "newsroom culture is gone"
Healthcare reporter ISO agenda-free source December 10, 2013 By Anna Clark CJR convened Midwestern journalists to discuss pitfalls, possibilities of covering the politicized ACA
An Obamacare reality check from reporters on the ground October 29, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The Bergen Record and Cleveland Plain Dealer serve up some fresh coverage
The roots of the shutdown fight October 1, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan Why reporters should go local in covering the House GOP
‘I am alive at the Plain Dealer…’ July 31, 2013 By Anna Clark On "PD-D Day," layoffs at Cleveland paper claim some 50 experienced journalists
The Plain Dealer columnist who knew Amanda Berry’s mother May 8, 2013 By Sara Morrison "Imagine the worst day of your life and then repeat it every day for three years. That’s how she lived. Until she died."
How not to report on a transgender victim May 3, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco Cemia Acoff identified as a woman in life and should have been in death, too
Advance to nowhere April 4, 2013 By Dean Starkman Newhouse-owned chain slogs forward with discredited free-news model, now in Cleveland
At The Plain Dealer, a shrinking staff delivers some solid work February 8, 2013 By Anna Clark But how will statehouse and politics coverage hold up once layoffs take effect?