As sites abandon comments, The Coral Project aims to turn the tide August 23, 2016 By Nausicaa Renner
For the sake of science September 26, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts PopSci’s ‘scientific’ justification for shutting down comments conveys the research poorly
Under the bridge May 21, 2013 By Curtis Brainard Climate Desk tracks down its ‘most pernicious’ troll
Gawker’s new comment system July 6, 2012 By Peter Sterne Will it help or hurt the site’s young writers?
How Gawker wants to monetize comments May 23, 2012 By Felix Salmon Denton’s vision for Gawker Media’s editorial product moves away from posts
From Commenter to Contributor August 24, 2011 By Alysia Santo On some blogs, taking the comment section seriously can mean hiring people from it