‘Caught in the middle’: Journalists seeking asylum often stuck in limbo August 17, 2015 By Allison Griner
Ethiopia reportedly fires 18 journalists from a state-run outlet June 27, 2014 By Mohammed Ademo The quiet dismissal of some 10 percent of the station’s journalists underscores the country’s further descent into total media blackout
The 2nd-worst year for jailed journalists December 18, 2013 By Edirin Oputu CPJ’s annual census of imprisoned journalists makes sober reading
CPJ honors international journalists November 27, 2013 By Christie Chisholm At a gala on Tuesday night, the Committee to Protect Journalists honored four at its annual International Press Freedom Awards
Fighting for press freedom in Ecuador November 26, 2013 By Naomi Sharp Janet Hinostroza is one of four international journalists being honored by CPJ at this year’s press freedom awards ceremony
When a war zone is home November 12, 2013 By Kathy Gilsinan Pakistan has the third-highest casualty rate for journalists, and all of those killed this year were locals
Preparing for combat zones September 19, 2013 By Cecilia D'Anastasio Global Journalist Security training seeks to approximate real-life scenarios
Support in the conflict zone July 12, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Freelance journalists on the front lines have limited resources–but you can help
In Libya, new media freedom is uncertain June 3, 2013 By Kathryn Brenzel A post-Qaddafi abundance of independent news has been followed by violence against journalists
CPJ’s Impunity Index updates May 6, 2013 By Sara Morrison Iraq tops the list of countries where murders of journalists have gone unsolved
More women are needed in investigative journalism March 15, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco It’s time for the media to counteract institutional barriers to women’s entry in the field
Statistics and Moral Sense April 16, 2012 By Sohrab Ahmari A dialogue about Justin Martin’s “Which Countries Jail the Most Journalists Per Capita?”
Which Countries Jail the Most Journalists Per Capita? April 2, 2012 By Justin D. Martin Taking the CPJ data one step further