A crucial skill that most J-schools aren’t teaching April 1, 2016 By Charles Berret and Cheryl Phillips
How polling stories show only part of the picture October 9, 2014 By David Uberti When covering their own polls, media outlets often favor good headlines over hard data
Do documentary filmmakers need data about their audiences? August 8, 2014 By Lene Bech Sillesen As Netflix and other services gain viewer insights, filmmakers aren’t seeing the full picture
ProPublica plans to grow its ‘Data Store’ April 28, 2014 By Tanveer Ali "There’s no question that selling data is a rich opportunity for many newsrooms"
Journalism’s circuit board February 6, 2013 By Brad Stenger Computer literacy on the rise, but technology transfer lags
Call in the math club January 14, 2013 By Declan Fahy Science reporters can help ward off a “Big Data bubble”
Two new surveys shed light on trust and circulation of British press September 13, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield Digital readership is combined with print numbers for the first time