What will happen to The New York Times‘ race beat? January 28, 2015 By Chris Ip It’s uncertain if the newspaper will replace Tanzina Vega, who is moving to the metro desk
To publish or not: James Foley video spotlights media’s tough call August 22, 2014 By Christopher Massie Remnick, Baquet and other editors discuss their decisions about when to publish disturbing images
Management isn’t journalism’s strong suit June 2, 2014 By Ryan Chittum And running a newsroom is hard and getting harder
For the Times‘ innovation report to stick, its journalists need to be on board May 21, 2014 By Emily Bell Doing journalism and keeping up with what is happening within journalism and the wider digital ecosystem at the same time is impossible
Why did Sulzberger hire Abramson? May 16, 2014 By Douglas McCollam Her style never suited him. He got exactly what was advertised.
Must-reads of the week May 16, 2014 By The Editors Celebrity profiles, unpaid internships, Dean Baquet
Baquet’s big job May 15, 2014 By Ryan Chittum The Times‘ new editor must navigate business-side challenges, and still match the great journalism that Abramson produced