Long all-volunteer, Guernica Mag looks toward paying its contributors July 10, 2014 By Julie Lasson Fromowitz The 10-year-old online mag hired its first full-time employee and is launching a second Kickstarter
The New York Times‘ digital limbo May 22, 2014 By Nikki Usher An author says the paper’s digital efforts are stuck in 2010
For the Times‘ innovation report to stick, its journalists need to be on board May 21, 2014 By Emily Bell Doing journalism and keeping up with what is happening within journalism and the wider digital ecosystem at the same time is impossible
Can The Washington Post’s national push help support local news? April 4, 2014 By Greg Marx and Anna Clark In Post digital access for local print subscribers, some see makings of a new news bundle
Saving orphan photos March 11, 2014 By Sarah Laskow On the internet, photos are separated from their owners–often on purpose
Grief and grievances at The Plain Dealer February 13, 2014 By Anna Clark Advance’s paper in Cleveland is embroiled in a labor dispute as it charts a new digital path
What Ezra Klein and Nate Silver can learn from Grantland about analytical journalism January 21, 2014 By Brendan Nyhan The sports site blends basic multimedia with data smarts. Can the model work for politics?
Four ways to make your big investigative report work better on the Web August 15, 2013 By Deron Lee Lots of newspaper journalism still feels hopelessly print-bound. It doesn’t have to be that way
Journatic busted for using fake bylines July 6, 2012 By Hazel Sheffield CEO Brian Timpone says “we made a mistake”
Online News Startups Struggle to Break Even in Western Europe April 19, 2012 By Lauren Kirchner A viable business model remains as elusive overseas as it is in the U.S.