How an algorithm helped the LAT scoop Monday’s quake March 18, 2014 By Joanna Plucinska Everyone, that is, except those desk-diving anchors
A fault-finding mission September 30, 2013 By John Mecklin Los Angeles Times series seeks to make sure towers aren’t built along earthquake faults
Pessimism Reigns a Year After Fukushima March 12, 2012 By Cristine Russell Media forecast a gloomy future for the nuclear industry
Two Years Later, Haitian Earthquake Death Toll in Dispute January 12, 2012 By Maura R. O'Connor Journalists can do a better job reporting controversial numbers in disaster zones
Quaking in California March 22, 2011 By Curtis Brainard Articles about the “big one” short on science
Crisis Juggling in Japan March 16, 2011 By Curtis Brainard Reporters struggle to balance quake, tsunami, nuclear coverage