Report Card on Social Security Trust Fund Coverage April 27, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman An F for the headlines; a C- for the stories
How the Media Has Shaped the Social Security Debate April 18, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The press plays a dubious role
EXTRA Unpacks the Media’s Medicare Coverage April 17, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Are journalists writing for doctors or for patients?
The Case of the Disappearing Benefits Statements April 2, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman A good piece from the Los Angeles Times
Words of Warning on the Payroll Tax February 20, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The media ponders the wisdom behind the tax holiday’s extension
Some Mistakes at MoneyWatch February 8, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman A little more homework needed on Social Security, please
Santorum Goes After Social Security January 9, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The AP covers Rick’s empty rhetoric
A Good Payroll Tax Piece from the Post January 4, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Finally, some balance from WaPo
The Kind of Medicare Story We’d Rather Not See December 23, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman SmartMoney runs a lackluster listicle
The Murky Politics of the Payroll Tax December 6, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman The media begin to step in the muck
Switching Sides on Social Security November 29, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Look who’s getting rid of the payroll tax
The Human Faces behind the Social Security Rhetoric October 21, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Good work from CBS News