Today’s federal agencies are ‘highly message-controlled.’ Here’s what that means for health reporting November 10, 2015 By Trudy Lieberman
Fast Company‘s daring 23andMe cover November 27, 2013 By Ryan Chittum An ill-timed story as Anne Wojcicki’s DNA testing outfit runs afoul of the FDA
Flash: this new drug is not so new July 12, 2013 By Sibyl Shalo Wilmont Disappointing coverage of Brisdelle, the hot flash drug, misses a chance to expose one of Big Pharma’s oldest tricks
Coming clean on food safety January 3, 2013 By Helena Bottemiller The Obama administration’s lack of transparency makes a difficult beat that much harder
A superb expose about an unsafe medical device June 7, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The OC Register lays bare a lax approval system that hurts patients
Keeping an Eye on Hospital Safety, Part II March 10, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman A shout-out to the Columbia Tribune
The Muzzling of the FDA December 6, 2010 By Jim Dickinson How government press officers stole our freedom