InsideClimate wins a Pulitzer April 16, 2013 By Curtis Brainard Five-year-old news site honored for exposé of Michigan oil spill
Keystone XL road trip April 10, 2013 By Curtis Brainard New ebook from TED Books and The Washington Post takes readers down the pipeline’s proposed path
Digging for dark money February 19, 2013 By Curtis Brainard Guardian, CPI expose secretive climate-denial funding network
TNR causes trouble for coal baron October 12, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Exposé on pressuring employees to make campaign contributions stirs inquiry
Ryan re-energizes coverage August 16, 2012 By Curtis Brainard VP candidate brings fossil fuels, alternatives back into focus
Equivocal Efficiency? April 18, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Some articles fail to stress bottom line of electric-vehicles report
The Presidential Energy Narrative January 27, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Campaign coverage takes on a green hue