The media has made Kim Davis a conservative martyr, missing the bigger picture September 4, 2015 By David Uberti
Coverage missteps on DOMA and Prop 8 June 27, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco When the Supreme Court issued two gay marriage-related decisions Wednesday, a rush to coverage meant a loss of precision
Gay marriage coverage mostly supportive June 19, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco Though almost half of Americans oppose same-sex nuptials, coverage covers supporters 5-to-1, says a new Pew study
On covering same-sex marriage June 17, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco Here are some takeaways from last week’s panel, moderated by the author
Video: CJR’s panel discussion on coverage of gay marriage June 15, 2013 By The Editors On the eve of two related SCOTUS decisions, how should journalists be covering the issue?
Is the Washington Post pro-gay? February 28, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco If they are, it shouldn’t be at the expense of covering anti-gay individuals
Behind AP’s new ‘husband, wife’ guideline February 22, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco It’s an attempt to fix a perceived slight to married gay couples
AP’s first usage guidelines on ‘husband, wife’ February 21, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco The new entry comes in response to anger over a memo to avoid the words to describe gay couples