The IPCC presser was livestreamed, but those present still got the best stories April 1, 2014 By Cristine Russell Digital connection can only get reporters so far
Polar Bears ‘R’ Us March 28, 2014 By Cristine Russell The latest edition of a UN report makes a media-ready case for the imminent dangers of climate change
Sounding the alarm November 5, 2013 By Naomi Sharp Climate Desk’s Chris Mooney talks to CJR about how the press help perpetuate global warming pseudo-science
Risky business October 1, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts What uncertainty means for scientists vs. journalists
To tell a complicated climate science story: simplify, shorten, list September 30, 2013 By Cristine Russell Reporting on the latest findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change focused on short, Webby pieces
Dull news from Doha November 28, 2012 By Curtis Brainard UN climate summit a ho-hum affair for the press
Best of 2010: The Observatory December 29, 2010 By Curtis Brainard Curtis Brainard picks the top stories from 2010
Climate Change 101 December 23, 2010 By Curtis Brainard Trio of articles re-cover some global warming basics
From Copenhagen to Cancun November 24, 2010 By Cristine Russell A challenging year for the climate story