The Paris-Beirut debate: Why news organizations paid more attention to the attacks in France November 17, 2015 By David Uberti
How should news organizations handle graphic content in the social media age? September 24, 2015 By Jack Murtha
An old media scoop on pro-ISIS tweeter Shami Witness leads to a new media dox December 18, 2014 By Chris Ip When anonymity is taken out of the media’s hands
Changing the US hostage policy December 8, 2014 By Joel Simon Obama’s review of kidnappings is a good first step, but it isn’t enough
Approach ISIS tweets with caution November 20, 2014 By Jared Malsin "It’s clear that that they’ve gotten some pretty sophisticated media strategists and social media tacticians on their team"
Why ISIS coverage sounds familiar November 14, 2014 By Damaris Colhoun The evolving narrative about a new terrorist threat is reminiscent of the Iraq War
The New York Times recreates ISIS captivity of Foley, Sotloff [UPDATED] October 27, 2014 By David Uberti Blockbuster story details the imprisonment and torture of Western hostages
How news outlets can cover the war on ISIS with social media September 25, 2014 By David Uberti With few journalists on the ground in Iraq and Syria, news organizations turn to social media
Must-reads of the week September 19, 2014 By The Editors How to write a trend piece, a hotline for ethics, and mapping violence against journalists
Must-reads of the week September 5, 2014 By David Uberti "I Fucking Love Science," a reporter who got close to the CIA, and the rekindled rivalry between two newspaper giants
To publish or not: James Foley video spotlights media’s tough call August 22, 2014 By Christopher Massie Remnick, Baquet and other editors discuss their decisions about when to publish disturbing images