Opening Shot July 5, 2011 By The Editors Jill Abramson, the first woman at the helm of The New York Times
Kling’s Warning July 5, 2011 By Joel Meares A Q&A with Minnesota Public Radio’s first CEO as he steps down
Signal and Noise July 5, 2011 By Emily Bell Trying to follow global news in America, a newcomer finds that something is missing
Letters to the Editor July 5, 2011 By The Editors Readers respond to our May/June story by Pamela Newkirk, "The Not-So-Great Migration"
Notes From Our Online Readers July 5, 2011 By The Editors Readers add to CJR’s own "Words We Shouldn’t Say" list
Editor’s Note July 5, 2011 By Mike Hoyt CJR’s Joel Meares wins a Mirror Award; goodbye to our 2010-2011 fellows
All Politics is Local July 5, 2011 By Michael Canyon Meyer Highlights from’s News Frontier Database
How to Cover the Money Race July 5, 2011 By Liz Cox Barrett A Q&A with money-and-politics expert Dave Levinthal
Let’s Do the Time Warp Again July 5, 2011 By Noel Murray A review of Simon Reynolds’s Retromania: Pop Culture’s Addiction to Its Own Past
Brief Encounters July 5, 2011 By James Boylan Short reviews of books on journalists William L. Shirer and E.J. Edwards, plus the documentary Page One
The Climate for Science Reporting July 5, 2011 By Michael Schudson and Julia Sonnevend A new report shows a surge in climate change coverage
Sultan woman with dog’s head taken to hospital July 5, 2011 By The Editors Headlines that editors probably wish they could take back
Big Bird to the Rescue? July 7, 2011 By Elizabeth Jensen Public television remains largely indifferent to calls to boost serious news coverage
News for the World July 11, 2011 By Lee C. Bollinger A proposal for a globalized era: an American World Service
The Hatchet’s Tale July 14, 2011 By Kevin Roderick James O’Shea, Tribune’s one-time man in Los Angeles, tells all in his new book
Life Near the Center of the Story July 19, 2011 By Nathan Deuel Istanbul is the ‘It’ location for enterprising freelance journalists
Punk’s Prophet July 25, 2011 By Tim Marchman Greil Marcus’s seminal work Ranters and Crowd Pleasers: Punk in Pop Music, 1977-92
Darts and Laurels July 27, 2011 By Lauren Kirchner Meet Brian Condra, the media’s favorite "everyman"
The Kitchen-Table Connection July 28, 2011 By The Editors How to find—and serve—readers beyond Washington