Wanted: One journalist to write, edit, lay out, and deliver a newspaper August 30, 2016 By David Uberti
Report for America: a community service-based model for saving local journalism June 15, 2015 By Steven Waldman
How a business reporter started covering the pot beat October 3, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith With Florida voters likely to approve medical marijuana, Michael Pollick is reporting on what comes next
How Iowa reporters are teaming up to cover a tight Senate race September 29, 2014 By Deron Lee Eight papers use a new transparency tool to get a handle on the political ad wars
How comics journalism brings stories to life September 19, 2014 By Rui Kaneya Chicago’s Illustrated Press is at the forefront of a burgeoning movement
How a Nebraska newspaper kicked off a major prison sentencing scandal September 15, 2014 By Deron Lee The Omaha World-Herald found that hundreds of inmates were being released early
Texas reporters fight for access, public records September 11, 2014 By Michelle Garcia New strategies for legal battles may be necessary to reflect the changing media landscape
How civic hackers are helping local journalism September 3, 2014 By Rui Kaneya In Chicago, the practice goes back long before "open data" became a buzzword
Detroit’s Dan Gilbert and the ‘savior complex’ August 18, 2014 By Anna Clark How do you cover a dominating figure in a struggling city without losing your skepticism?
Local news outlets are joining the data journalism bandwagon August 7, 2014 By Tanveer Ali Available resources don’t always match the desire to analyze regional issues
The problem with ‘scoreboard’ reporting on the gun violence beat August 5, 2014 By Rui Kaneya Chicago’s reporters work to bring context and accountability to the city’s crime stories
Lawmaker’s astroturf op-ed disappears from newspaper’s site (UPDATED) July 25, 2014 By Corey Hutchins Homebuilders and cattle ranchers team up to fight an EPA rule, and industry talking points end up in The Post and Courier
Embedded with the Koch brothers July 25, 2014 By Deron Lee Hometown reporters get rare access to the media-shy oilmen, with mixed results
How public media collaborations are creating opportunities for local reporting July 22, 2014 By Gabriel Rosenberg Local Journalism Centers offer chances to develop expertise–and build something that lasts
A TV news veteran brings a Chicago watchdog group back to life June 30, 2014 By Rui Kaneya Under Andy Shaw, the BGA has been reinventing itself–and turning heads
TNR’s Scott Walker cover story owed a deep debt to some great local reporting June 26, 2014 By Anna Clark What’s worse than parachute reporting? "Journalists that don’t even get on the damn plane."
Virginia’s governor didn’t say he’s going to ‘expand Medicaid’ June 24, 2014 By Corey Hutchins But he won’t say he’s not, either! What’s a reporter to do?
The revolution will be localized June 20, 2014 By Corey Hutchins Eric Cantor, David Brat, and covering the tea party
The Plain Dealer drops PolitiFact, but keeps on factchecking June 17, 2014 By Anna Clark Truth in Numbers feature brings reader ratings to the truth squad movement
Michigan’s Medicaid program is going to be great, say Michigan, Medicaid officials June 13, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman Those claims deserve a closer look
Allowing police to shoot someone without creating a record you can see June 12, 2014 By Jonathan Peters … And other bad ideas. Monitoring press freedom in the laboratories of democracy
A small paper scores an open-records win in a recovering city April 10, 2014 By Greg Grisolano The Joplin Globe‘s court victory forces an investigation’s findings public before local election
Toledo Blade lawsuit alleges military guards detained journalists, deleted photos April 7, 2014 By Jonathan Peters Editor: "Everything that happened that day made it apparent we couldn’t sit back and take it."
Can The Washington Post’s national push help support local news? April 4, 2014 By Greg Marx and Anna Clark In Post digital access for local print subscribers, some see makings of a new news bundle
‘You can’t do more with less’: Reaction to the Star-Ledger cuts April 3, 2014 By Aparna Alluri Latest round of job losses will hit a quarter of the newsroom
Fiber boost for local journalism? March 25, 2014 By Deron Lee Journalists should take up the fight for municipal-fiber networks in their communities, argues open-internet advocate Susan Crawford
Four ways to make your big investigative report work better on the Web August 15, 2013 By Deron Lee Lots of newspaper journalism still feels hopelessly print-bound. It doesn’t have to be that way
A reporting collaborative takes on a California health plague August 9, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Working together, local journalists tackle valley fever and produce a laurel-worthy effort
Losing the Virginia Way July 18, 2013 By Corey Hutchins Bob McDonnell’s gifts scandal offers an opportunity for in-depth reporting on ethics reform