Venezuela uses US reporter’s photo in tourism campaign January 30, 2015 By Susannah Nesmith The problem? He had just been released from detention
Preparing for Fidel Castro’s death January 15, 2015 By Susannah Nesmith How Florida news organizations plan to cover the Cuban dictator’s passing
For comprehensive coverage of the Florida State case, go to…NYT? April 21, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith The Tallahassee Democrat and other Florida papers could have done more on the Jameis Winston investigation
Florida’s unemployment system is a mess January 9, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith The press is asking questions and showing human costs. Now, time to break the story open
Florida goes solo on Common Core tests October 3, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith And the early coverage does some things well–but key questions remain to be tackled
Exchange Watch: Florida September 20, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman There’s been solid coverage in the Sunshine State. Now it’s time to treat Obamacare like the consumer story it is
In Florida, a joint bureau, a unique beat, and a sharp scoop April 12, 2013 By Adam Weinstein Partnership gives papers a chance to chase big stories–but can’t guarantee they’ll get read
Anatomy of a so-called scandal (UPDATED) March 4, 2013 By Mariah Blake On the Sen. Menendez story, flimsy prostitution claims vs. stronger allegations of influence-peddling. Guess which gets more play?
Be a Pulitzer Judge April 20, 2011 By The Editors To which finalist would you give the Breaking News prize?