Giving a baron too big a pass November 26, 2013 By Dave Marash Murdoch’s World avoids implicating Rupert Murdoch for his lawbreaking
Topless women endure in the UK press October 14, 2013 By Alison Langley Women have been organizing against the tabloid mainstay, but some editors maintain that it’s a good way to sell papers
Bloomberg as the anti-News Corp. August 21, 2013 By Dean Starkman Its transparent handling of snooping allegations starkly contrasts with News Corp. cover-ups
Tide goes out on News Corp.’s newspapers June 12, 2013 By Dean Starkman The Times of London newsroom cuts staff as its parent company splits in two
What Rupert Wrote July 28, 2011 By Michael Castenegra Insight from a pre-scandal letter to News Corp. stockholders
Around the World in Two and a Half Weeks July 22, 2011 By Alysia Santo A roundup of CJR’s coverage since #hackgate imploded