‘Best business photos’ make bad clickbait January 3, 2014 By Ryan Chittum Fortune‘s uninspiring list illustrates the limits of the genre
Creative Commons: Ur doing it wrong December 4, 2013 By Sarah Laskow Give credit where it’s due and, under new rules, take credit for changes you make
A rally for laid-off Sun-Times photogs June 6, 2013 By Tanveer Ali A protest Thursday morning drew about 150 picketers to the newspaper’s headquarters
How technology redefines norms May 20, 2013 By Felix Salmon Reasonable resistance to the upending of cultural mores is not "technopanic"
Beholding thinspiration May 13, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Slate’s decision to publish an image of a recovering anorexic is problematic
Chicago police respect public’s right to record May 24, 2012 By Alysia Santo Despite Illinois’s draconian wiretapping law
Failures of Vision September 21, 2011 By Michael Canyon Meyer Errol Morris interrogates photography’s place in the public imagination
Chris Hondros: How He Got that Picture April 21, 2011 By The Editors From CJR’s Covering Iraq oral history