How local media coverage is forcing Cleveland to try to finally fix its lead problem February 9, 2016 By Erica Berry
The Plain Dealer drops PolitiFact, but keeps on factchecking June 17, 2014 By Anna Clark Truth in Numbers feature brings reader ratings to the truth squad movement
What’s health insurance really going to cost? June 11, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman That’s the big question reporters must tackle, even as this year’s game of spin the rates takes off
Grief and grievances at The Plain Dealer February 13, 2014 By Anna Clark Advance’s paper in Cleveland is embroiled in a labor dispute as it charts a new digital path
‘This used to be a newsroom’ — the scene at the Cleveland Plain Dealer January 17, 2014 By Anna Clark As a diminished staff adapts to new rules and new space, "newsroom culture is gone"
Three stories, three tacks on a Walmart’s employee food drive November 20, 2013 By Ryan Chittum How the Plain Dealer, Business Insider, and Fox News told the news
Advance’s forced march backwards July 31, 2013 By Dean Starkman The Plain Dealer imposes draconian cuts in the name of an outdated strategy for newspapers
Audit Notes: Plain Dealer, Silicon Valley openness, debt and borrowing April 8, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Cleveland execs trot out the Advance Publications talking points
Plain Dealer announces reduced print delivery, creation of new digital company April 4, 2013 By Anna Clark No layoffs–yet–at Advance’s paper in Cleveland
Expand Ohio’s Medicaid expansion story April 4, 2013 By Anna Clark Keep people at the fore, but dig into the private insurance angle
Audit Notes: Amazon’s shell company, The Lens, Plain Dealer cuts December 14, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Reuters unwinds how the online retail giant avoided taxes via Luxembourg
8 things Cleveland can expect from The Plain Dealer’s ‘press-ageddon’ December 13, 2012 By Rebecca Theim And only one of them is good
In Cleveland, bracing for a free-news fallout December 12, 2012 By Dean Starkman Fear and loathing at The Plain Dealer