Must-reads of the week November 7, 2014 By The Editors Why in-house innovation is important, how polling data can be dangerous, and evaluating ESPN’s journalistic standards
How polling data can be dangerous for political journalists November 6, 2014 By David Uberti It’s often not as accurate as you’d think
How polling stories show only part of the picture October 9, 2014 By David Uberti When covering their own polls, media outlets often favor good headlines over hard data
Trial heat polls: All heat, no light February 21, 2014 By Brendan Nyhan They generate plenty of stories, but it’s way too early for polls to predict anything about 2016
A Plea for the Polls November 8, 2011 By Elmo Roper ‘The press seems to behave as if it were operating in a simpler yesterday’
Confidence In TV News and Newspapers (Slightly) Up June 28, 2011 By Joel Meares What’s Weiner got to do with it?