Why five police officers can sue the Chicago Sun-Times February 10, 2015 By Jonathan Peters Court rules that publishing driver’s license details broke the law–and First Amendment is no defense
The looming threat of newsroom cyber attacks January 7, 2015 By David Uberti Recent attacks on the Albuquerque Journal and WBOC reveal the importance of digital security
What the Sony hacks reveal about the news industry December 18, 2014 By David Uberti Writers gave consumers exactly what they wanted
The ethics of The Guardian‘s Whisper bombshell October 20, 2014 By Ryan Chittum It would have been a journalistic lapse not to have told readers
The secret whistleblowers, revisited April 21, 2014 By Edirin Oputu The new documentary 1971, which premiered on Friday, reveals how a group of activists exposed the secrets of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI
Planned NSA reforms still leave journalists reason to worry April 4, 2014 By Cora Currier "Two hops" may still include numerous reporters
Questions for the government on Snowden February 10, 2014 By Aryeh Neier There are still too many things US citizens don’t know
The secret whistleblowers January 9, 2014 By Edirin Oputu The book The Burglary, released Wednesday, reveals how a group of activists exposed the secrets of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI
How technology redefines norms May 20, 2013 By Felix Salmon Reasonable resistance to the upending of cultural mores is not "technopanic"
The Bloomberg terminal scandal May 14, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Not nearly in the Murdoch hacking league, but it requires a cultural shift
HeLa-cious coverage March 28, 2013 By Curtis Brainard Media overlook ethical angles of Henrietta Lacks story
How hard should it be for the government to read your email? March 21, 2013 By Sarah Laskow Harder than it is right now
Poor coverage of Google’s Street View scandal settlement March 15, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Incomplete accounts make the story more favorable to Mountain View
Audit Notes: Google’s stonewalling, Moody’s spin clinic, USDA mortgages May 30, 2012 By Ryan Chittum An NYT story on how the company tried to stymie investigators of its Street View program