Florida newspaper exposes sweet deal for state politicians September 9, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith The Tampa Bay Times‘ clever public records reporting confirms pols’ secret hunting trips with sugar industry insiders
The Grand Dame of Florida reporting has retired twice, but she’s still causing trouble July 16, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith A conversation with the Tampa Bay Times’ Lucy Morgan
Florida goes solo on Common Core tests October 3, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith And the early coverage does some things well–but key questions remain to be tackled
Return of the water wars August 27, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith As Florida and Georgia fight it out, what story you get depends on which state you’re in
A laurel to Politifact Florida July 6, 2012 By Liz Cox Barrett and Greg Marx Site pushes back against misinformation about Obamacare and small business
A Shout Out to The Palm Beach Post July 20, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman A rare glimpse into the ways of for-profit health care