Murdoch moves on Time Warner July 17, 2014 By Ryan Chittum As pipes companies merge, another round of media consolidation
Rupert Murdoch and News Corp.’s woes will continue June 27, 2014 By Ryan Chittum Rebekah Brooks’s acquittal is big, but there’s much more to come
Neocon WSJ editor sits down with France’s Iran critic December 20, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Gerard Baker gets a byline
Fox’s Dennis Kneale takes on ‘out of control’ unions December 11, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Hosts an industry shill fighting against the hapless Alan Colmes over poverty wages
Giving a baron too big a pass November 26, 2013 By Dave Marash Murdoch’s World avoids implicating Rupert Murdoch for his lawbreaking
Murdoch corruption scandal back in the news October 23, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Trials to begin, WSJ interference confirmed, secret tape fallout serious
The Celebrity Journal October 10, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Stars are turning up in the once-august paper for little or no reason
Rupert Murdoch knew about his papers’ bribes culture July 3, 2013 By Ryan Chittum An explosive secret tape from CEO’s crisis chat with arrested Sun journalists
Exclusive excerpts: ‘The Gestation Period of Llama (Or why I quit The Wall Street Journal)’ June 3, 2013 By Dean Starkman In an new essay, a former investigative reporter explains how a Murdoch-ized operation led her to leave journalism and reinvent herself
Audit Notes: Bagged Men, whistleblowers, Times-Picayune April 25, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Rupert Murdoch, prepare your checkbook
The New York Post‘s disgrace April 19, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The paper smears a kid and a young man on its front page as possible terrorists
Wall Street Journal: time to look in the mirror April 17, 2013 By Dean Starkman Its Pulitzer shutout reaches six years
Audit Notes: due diligence, Elizabeth Warren, the Murdoch way February 19, 2013 By Ryan Chittum More evidence from private lawsuits on unprosecuted bank executives
Best of 2012: Ryan Chittum December 28, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Audit’s deputy editor picks his favorite posts of the year
Audit Notes: News Corp./Wall Street Journal edition December 4, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Gerard Baker takes the reins of The Wall Street Journal
The impossibility of tablet-native journalism December 3, 2012 By Felix Salmon Why Murdoch’s The Daily didn’t make it
Audit Notes: marginal taxes, a redesign for core readers, Murdoch November 20, 2012 By Ryan Chittum An NYT’s anecdote’s confusion goes uncorrected
Audit Notes: News of the World‘s thugs, Occupy impact, nonprofit news September 18, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Allegations that the paper’s gumshoes broke into houses looking for dirt
Audit Notes: Murdoch’s hacking scandal, revolving door, Obama’s AMA August 30, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Two more arrests, including one for computer hacking
Audit Notes: WSJ forgets climate change, Reuters results, Murdoch hides August 10, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A story on the record heat wave omits global warming
Audit Notes: News Corp.’s board, Romney’s taxes, NBC’s Olympics August 1, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The paper reports prosecutors are examining whether to charge Murdoch’s directors
Audit Notes: Statute of limitations, whither The Daily, Romney’s taxes July 17, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The WSJ on how the clock may (or may not) be running out on the SEC
Audit Notes: Dark Ages, Mitt and Rupert, Chesapeake’s taxes July 6, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Stephen Moore on how "the greens" supposedly want to plunge America into darkness
Press war Down Under June 29, 2012 By Curtis Brainard A mining mogul’s battle with an Australian media group shakes the industry
Audit Notes: News Corp. split edition June 27, 2012 By Ryan Chittum More on the implications of Murdoch’s move
Audit Notes: Murdoch’s Influence, Reuters’s Chesapeake drumbeat May 9, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A sweeping indictment of the corruption of British politics by News Corp.