Newtown isn’t the book the tragedy deserves December 16, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg A superficial book recounting the school shooting was pegged to its one-year anniversary
Covering Sandy Hook, one year later December 12, 2013 By Sarah Laskow The town is asking reporters to stay away, but many victims’ families have started speaking out
Asperger’s, pedophiles, and questionable motivations December 3, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts A dart to the Daily Beast, for its ill-informed speculation on Adam Lanza’s psyche
Stories I’d like to see December 3, 2013 By Steven Brill A video game called ‘School Shooting,’ backing the video gaming industry, and a qualified lawyer on hold
After Sandy Hook April 24, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg A daylong symposium addressed covering trauma, from breaking news through its aftermath
Let’s get real about guns March 18, 2013 By Walter Shapiro Wanted: context and numbers. What would these reforms achieve?
Must-reads of the week February 1, 2013 By The Editors "'[G]et bought by a billionaire’ should be every small mag’s business model"
Can mental healthcare curb gun violence? February 1, 2013 By Sibyl Shalo Wilmont Some strong coverage takes a good look at that question, and reflects a shift in how we discuss mental illness