Girl’s foul-ball injury raises a question: When should the media withhold a name? July 28, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith News organizations in Atlanta abide by a family’s request
That BBC link on Slate is really an ad May 13, 2014 By Ryan Chittum What you’re not told about apparently curated links
Come for the Facebook spat, stay for the child welfare story April 23, 2014 By Corey Hutchins Yes, there was a social media dustup between SC politicians last week. There’s also a real story here that local media have been on since last fall
The press and the tech bubble April 9, 2014 By Ryan Chittum How the groundwork might be laid for another Big One
The banality of ‘What We Know’ about climate change March 27, 2014 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Can a "boring" AAAS report change the global warming conversation?
Audit Notes: Vice talks IPO, Wall Street suicides, Slate membership March 25, 2014 By Ryan Chittum CEO floats a Twitter-like valuation
Millennials: not bringing mom to interviews December 5, 2013 By Jesse Singal Debunking another dumb bit of millennial truthiness
For the sake of science September 26, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts PopSci’s ‘scientific’ justification for shutting down comments conveys the research poorly
It’s the second term, stupid! September 19, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan Why journalists shouldn’t blame all of Obama’s problems on Syria
Untangling Obamacare: The affordability puzzle September 18, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Focus on people and pocketbooks, not just the latest study
Lessons from North Carolina’s voting wars September 11, 2013 By Corey Hutchins Be there. Be passionate. Ask tough questions. And focus on the facts
On mammograms, Slate drops the ball August 7, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg From its subhead on, Wednesday’s piece on "fixing" mammography misleads readers
Don’t pick up! June 12, 2013 By Curtis Brainard RFK, Jr. talks journalists’ ears off with his vaccine conspiracy theory
Beholding thinspiration May 13, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Slate’s decision to publish an image of a recovering anorexic is problematic
Audit Notes: Awful on Bangladesh, the Kochtopus, US day care April 29, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Slate’s Matthew Yglesias gets it very wrong on workers and safety standards
Leave appearance out of it April 12, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco Because she isn’t currently a candidate, Obama’s remarks didn’t necessarily hurt Kamala Harris. But if she had been running, a new study says that they would have hurt her
Apples and oranges on Google and publishers November 14, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Print performance is bad enough without putting a thumb on the scale
Audit Notes: Insert hospice joke here, Web pagination, too big to value October 3, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Washington Post diversifies its business into end-of-life care
The latest on Slatest August 21, 2012 By Sara Morrison Slate’s news aggregation blog’s revamp goes for quality over quantity
What’s Slate been up to? May 4, 2012 By Michael Canyon Meyer CJR checks in with the Web news stalwart
A picture is worth a thousand memes April 23, 2012 By Matt Wuerker Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Matt Wuerker responds to Farhad Manjoo
Insider Trading in Congress November 14, 2011 By Ryan Chittum A new book puts faces on data suggesting members enrich themselves with nonpublic information
WSJ Fronts Amazon’s Tax Avoidance Strategy August 3, 2011 By Ryan Chittum Color-coded maps tell employees which states are safe, bad, and neutral
Two Non-Plans for the Deficit April 13, 2011 By Joel Meares Slate and Times op-eds suggest Obama slack off