Little Havana turns blue (or maybe not) November 14, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Choose-your-own-poll-number reporting on the Cuban-American vote
In Florida, debate night isn’t front-page news October 19, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Editors at Miami Herald and Palm Beach Post defend decision on Senate race coverage
Does Cuba matter? Not to national media October 12, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley But some reporters in South Florida find stories that go beyond clichés
In Florida, a poll grabs headlines—and raises questions September 27, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley The situation for the GOP may not be as dire as Quinnipiac’s results suggest
Packing up and shipping out in Tampa August 31, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Jeb Bush gives reporters one last local news hook on RNC’s final night
In Florida, convention coverage ranges from abundant to absent August 30, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley The Tampa papers go all-in, while the Sun Sentinel goes missing
A celebration of access in Tampa August 29, 2012 By Justin Peters Conventions are about getting in to the place worth being
It’s morning in the Tampa Convention Center August 28, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Swing States Project’s Florida correspondent takes it all in
Tampa Bay Times’s convention-eve welcome August 27, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley The paper’s Sunday piece is strong (cringe-making Florida boosterism aside)
A sharp Herald item on Ryan’s surprising Cuba record August 15, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Keyed to local community, paper digs up veep pick’s past opposition to embargo
On Florida’s ‘anything but monolithic’ Hispanic voters July 25, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times raise the reporting bar
(Not) going to the candidates’ debate July 2, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Why are federal candidates in Florida ducking debates?
When it comes to Jeb Bush, ‘no’ is not enough June 11, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Memo to the media: He really doesn’t want to be vice president.
Herald’s Caputo dives deep on diverging polls May 24, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Do other news organizations undermine their credibility when they don’t do the same?
A Strong Veepstakes Story from the Tampa Bay Times March 29, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Focus on Rubio’s deeds—not words—brings new insights
WFTV’s Sensationalism Soils Solid Obama Sit-Down March 14, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Orlando reporter suggests recent Afghanistan killings comparable to My Lai
At WFLA, Good Questions for Obama… February 15, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley …but Tampa’s viewers deserved a more balanced report
Romney’s Hispanic Support: About That Florida Poll January 31, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Reporters must tell readers about polls’ shortcomings
In Florida, the GOP Woos Hispanic Voters January 27, 2012 By Justin Peters Can the press push the candidates past pandering?
Who is Sheldon Adelson? Florida Needs to Know January 26, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley State’s newsrooms haven’t focused their resources on the super PAC story
Waiting for Newt in Naples January 26, 2012 By Justin Peters Just because the candidate’s not there doesn’t mean there’s not a story
In Florida, a Media Crush but Little News January 13, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley Best coverage embeds Romney’s rally in more far-reaching reporting
Lackluster Caucus Coverage in Florida January 5, 2012 By Brian E. Crowley The Tampa Bay Times stands above the field
Frozen Out in Florida December 15, 2011 By Brian E. Crowley Campaign reporters face reduced access, reduced budgets
Over-the-Top Coverage of Cain’s Gaffe in Florida November 22, 2011 By Brian E. Crowley His ignorance of ‘wet-foot, dry-foot’ may have said something about Cain. But the way it was covered said as much about the media