Election reflections from the Silver State November 19, 2012 By Jay Jones Las Vegas Sun political editor Anjeanette Damon wants face time with presidential candidates, more time with voters
Analyzing early voting in Nevada November 5, 2012 By Jay Jones Reporting roundup: What might the early numbers tell us?
Nevada media pillory Oceguera attack ad October 16, 2012 By Jay Jones An "outrageous" ad in a House race raises questions—including whether starting a controversy was the aim
A clamor for air time in the Silver State September 27, 2012 By Jay Jones Chris Roman, GM of four Spanish-language TV stations in Nevada, on the messaging frenzy
‘That muddy water’ of fairness August 21, 2012 By Jay Jones With “Line of Attack,” Sun evaluates “legit,” “laughable” campaign claims
On Vegas reporters on Reid on Romney August 8, 2012 By Jay Jones How Reid’s evidence-free claims about Romney’s taxes were covered in the Senate Majority Leader’s home state
With a series of strong stories, Sun‘s Damon shines July 26, 2012 By Jay Jones Articles ID big-money groups, track transparency battles, and call out a "laughable" ad
Christmas in July for Reno TV stations? July 12, 2012 By Jay Jones Reno reporter tallies political ad buys in “the battleground county of the battleground state of Nevada”
Beyond TV sound bites in the Silver State June 18, 2012 By Jay Jones There is a plethora of public affairs programming on Jim Rogers’s three Nevada TV stations
Dark money targets Hispanics in Silver State June 6, 2012 By Jay Jones The law makes shining a light difficult, but reporters can do more than they have so far
The Obama camp serves up a Bain story May 18, 2012 By Jay Jones Some local outlets take the bait, while others offer a closer look
In Nevada, a candidate’s fecklessness on full display May 11, 2012 By Jay Jones Some sharp interview questions leave a congressional hopeful squirming
How Adelson’s Cash Could Really Matter April 27, 2012 By Jay Jones And how solid campaign coverage can help voters see past the ad blitz
Q&A: Dennis Myers, news editor of Reno News & Review April 16, 2012 By Jay Jones On “inch-deep” campaign coverage and “manufactured” candidates
Sun’s Damon Discusses How She Got the Goods on NV Lawmakers March 16, 2012 By Jay Jones Exposé on spending disclosures all started with a source
Univision Report Features Bo—And, Oh, Barack, Too March 14, 2012 By Jay Jones Interview segment embraces White House’s light-touch frame
KLAS-TV’s Eight Minutes With the President (and His Message) February 15, 2012 By Jay Jones On the housing crisis and souvenir M&Ms
Nevada GOP Shows How Not to Conduct a Caucus February 7, 2012 By Jay Jones Confusion, “clueless media policies,” day-late results
Ralston Grills the GOP Gang February 3, 2012 By Jay Jones In advance of Nevada caucus, tough questions for the candidates
Las Vegas Review-Journal Asks Four Key Questions… January 31, 2012 By Jay Jones …But doesn’t help readers evaluate candidates’ answers
For Obama’s Vegas Visit, Competing Press Angles January 27, 2012 By Jay Jones As Sun explores natural gas agenda, Review-Journal delves into the “briar patch”
Nevadans Need a Closer Look at Romney’s Record January 12, 2012 By Jay Jones Some “facts and figures” might help make the Bain debate accessible to readers
‘Stingy’ Campaigning Brings Reporting Opportunities December 14, 2011 By Jay Jones For now, Nevada’s political reporters aren’t running from rally to rally