Have a wacky opinion on the internet? In Texas, you could make the nightly news April 15, 2015 By Corey Hutchins
Texas reporters fight for access, public records September 11, 2014 By Michelle Garcia New strategies for legal battles may be necessary to reflect the changing media landscape
Taking stock in Texas October 4, 2013 By Richard Parker Our correspondent recaps the conversation at a CJR event in Austin, and adds some thoughts of his own
Invasion of the Job Snatcher September 6, 2013 By Deron Lee As the Missouri media takes up arms against Rick Perry, some facts and context get lost in the fray
A laurel to The Dallas Morning News August 29, 2013 By Richard Parker Months after West blast, a report highlights what we don’t know about chemical safety
In Texas, a filibuster for the digital age June 27, 2013 By Richard Parker Twitter. Videostreams. Liveblogs. And a group effort to figure out what the heck happened amid the #StandWithWendy chaos
How West was spun May 24, 2013 By Richard Parker Mistakes were made, and one narrative too readily embraced, in coverage of the blast. Meanwhile, The Dallas Morning News excelled
A laurel to Zahira Torres and the El Paso Times April 26, 2013 By Richard Parker Dogged investigative work exposed a test-score scandal that harmed students
Meet the people who know Texas politics March 19, 2013 By Richard Parker The newspaper columnists of the Lone Star state
Lone Star politics: anything but dull January 28, 2013 By Richard Parker The Texas press braces for the part-timers and out-of-towners of the 83rd legislature
A Cook’s Tour with Molly Ivins November 3, 2011 By Nicola Kean A recipe-laden memoir of the columnist’s life and times
A State-Backed Miracle August 17, 2011 By Greg Marx As Perry pushes Texas boom, the press shouldn’t forget one reason behind it
Presidential "Outburst" Much Ado About Nothing April 20, 2011 By Joel Meares But Obama could have offered alternative critique