James Hamblin: A fresh perspective for health journalism February 17, 2015 By Anna Clark The Atlantic editor has accumulated a loyal following with his video series “If Our Bodies Could Talk”
Chaos at The Wire? May 29, 2014 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Without an editor in chief, The Atlantic‘s army of young aggregators is directionless
The Atlantic‘s Coates discusses his epic reparations cover story May 27, 2014 By Jennifer Vanasco BuzzFeed Deputy Editor in Chief Shani Hilton interviewed Coates on Tuesday morning
The Atlantic goes all out for its new cover story May 23, 2014 By Edirin Oputu Behind the scenes of the marketing campaign for Ta-Nehisi Coates’ "The Case for Reparations"
What’s missing from Medicaid coverage: actual people March 27, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman The media’s been all over consumer problems with the exchanges. For Medicaid, not so much
This slightly misleading headline will change the way you share this story January 16, 2014 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Nymag.com and Quartz expand their science coverage
Your fertility, checked July 12, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts An Atlantic cover story uncovering a decade of botched reporting should sound as a warning to journalists to examine the fine print of scientific studies
Paywalls did not cause the fall of WSJ longform April 17, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The Atlantic‘s Alexis Madrigal misses the Murdoch
Stop knocking curation January 23, 2013 By Steven Rosenbaum It’s an important, and undervalued, journalistic skill
Must-reads of the week January 18, 2013 By The Editors Aaron Swartz’s life and death, Deadspin’s Manti Te’o blockbuster, The Atlantic‘s Scientology ad, Facebook’s new Graph Search
Financial reporting, for pros and the public January 15, 2013 By Peter Sterne A panel of top financial journalists consider their true audience
A laurel to The Atlantic‘s Garance Franke-Ruta August 17, 2012 By Greg Marx For calling on reporters to repeat the truth as often as needed, and showing how to do it
The media’s Internet infatuation August 15, 2012 By Michael Massing Much of the coverage makes claims "that are grand, outlandish, and ultimately unverifiable"
Audit Notes: Romney’s Ryan taxes, FDR or Ayn Rand, Morton Mintz August 14, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Atlantic on what would be Mitt’s “Path to Prosperity”
Clearly, Quartz wants to help elites go optimize themselves May 10, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Atlantic’s new business site enters a crowded field catering to the 0.1 percent
Audit notes: News Corp.’s board, Lehman’s hubris, Awards and Slideshows May 8, 2012 By Ryan Chittum David Carr eyes Rupert Murdoch’s crony-filled board of directors
Audit notes: Dollar dictator, the SEC’s small fry, Americans go Swiss May 4, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Federal Reserve doesn’t answer solely to Ben Bernanke
A Columnist Recants, but the WSJ Edit Page Won’t Hear it November 23, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The paper runs a flawed column and declines to publish the retraction
Audit Notes: College Sports, NY AG Probing Lehman Execs, Shale Drilling September 13, 2011 By Ryan Chittum
Covering the Fringe Candidates August 23, 2011 By Greg Marx How should the press decide which dissents to take seriously?