New Florida unemployment requirement doesn’t help jobless, does delay benefits February 21, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith Florida Times-Union, Tampa Bay Times advance the story on state’s flawed new program
Florida’s unemployment system is a mess January 9, 2014 By Susannah Nesmith The press is asking questions and showing human costs. Now, time to break the story open
A bogus NY Post piece sets off a frenzy November 22, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Serious problems with column alleging Census rigged unemployment for Obama
In Florida, a joint bureau, a unique beat, and a sharp scoop April 12, 2013 By Adam Weinstein Partnership gives papers a chance to chase big stories–but can’t guarantee they’ll get read
Jack Welch and anti-business sentiment October 8, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The former GE CEO, still a business press hero
Audit Notes: The U-6ers, Jamie’s corporate welfare, The Guardian‘s future June 21, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The NYT looks at those with not enough work
Stories I’d Like to See March 13, 2012 By Steven Brill Afghan justice, Putin’s palace, and the Edwards trial
That Stuck Feeling March 1, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Huffington Post launches an ambitious new series on the poor and middle class
Framing the Jobs Plan… Er, Second Stimulus September 15, 2011 By Ryan Chittum This time Democrats get that language matters, and the press plays along
WaPo Shows Geithner Pushed Austerity June 8, 2011 By Ryan Chittum A profile reports the Treasury secretary steered Obama away from jobs focus
On Monetary Policy and Presidential Politics June 2, 2011 By Greg Marx The next election may depend on the economy. So where are the efforts to fix it?
Ask Bernanke About This, Too April 27, 2011 By Dean Starkman Depression-era levels of black unemployment in some cities, well-documented in HuffPo
Ohio’s Lost Decade April 25, 2011 By Dean Starkman Dayton paper shines light on a devastating job and income losses.
HuffPo Strong on North Carolina Benefits Expiring April 20, 2011 By Joel Meares Arthur Delaney’s solid unemployment reporting
A Times Snapshot of the Gilded Age Economy April 1, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The very rich do very well while the rest of the country suffers
WSJ Parrots Governor Christie on Jobs December 16, 2010 By Ryan Chittum But missing context undermines the governor’s—and the paper’s—story
Audit Notes: Herald-Tribune Investigation, Drumbeat, Nothing for the 99ers December 10, 2010 By Ryan Chittum
Jobless Benefits Extension Will Reduce Unemployment, Not Increase It December 9, 2010 By Felix Salmon Contra a WSJ columnist, the stimulative impact outweighs any negatives