Audit Notes: NYT TV, Blodget invests in a paywall, Downworthy January 31, 2014 By Ryan Chittum The Times can’t keep up with advertiser demand for video ads
Andrew Ross Sorkin, Wall St. concern troll September 20, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The CNBC/NYTer turns up the drama for a video on the crisis anniversary
Huffvideo April 19, 2012 By Justin Peters placeholder for the video of Mike Shapiro’s interview with Arianna Huffington
What’s In David Carr’s Backpack? March 5, 2012 By The Editors The New York Times media columnist shows his stuff
Delacorte Lecture with James R. Gaines February 11, 2010 By The Columbia Graduate School of Journalism Watch Gaines’s Delacorte Lecture here
Colombian Journalists Track Guerrilla War on Contravía June 5, 2009 By Center for Investigative Reporting CJR presents an ongoing video series about the work of investigative reporters
Openness Ombudsman: Lucy Dalglish on the OGIS and FOIA May 28, 2009 By Clint Hendler An interview with the RCFP’s executive director
Tracking the Money: Craig Jennings on Bailout Transparency May 21, 2009 By Clint Hendler CJR talks with the OMB Watch analyst
Top Secret: Bill Leonard on Classified Documents May 18, 2009 By Clint Hendler An interview with the former head of the Information Security Oversight Office
Shadows and Light: Dan Metcalfe on Government Transparency May 13, 2009 By Clint Hendler Former Justice official talks about the Bush era and discretionary disclosure