Gannett’s changes bring excitement, some pain, and a full-time beer beat August 7, 2014 By Corey Hutchins A conversation with Joshua Awtry, the chain’s top editor in the Carolinas
Virginia’s governor didn’t say he’s going to ‘expand Medicaid’ June 24, 2014 By Corey Hutchins But he won’t say he’s not, either! What’s a reporter to do?
The case for Voxsplaining the local news June 6, 2014 By Corey Hutchins My adventures in understanding North Carolina’s privilege license tax
A site that meets all your news needs May 8, 2014 By Jihii Jolly The winners of the explanatory news site game will be the ones who design them well is going to be a great test of Ezra Klein’s critique of journalism April 7, 2014 By Greg Marx How much demand is there for a Wikipedia for news? Looks like we’re going to find out
Putting the bundle back together? February 11, 2014 By Brendan Nyhan The challenge for new journalism models: replacing the civic benefits of the newspaper