the kicker

Riding Herd

March 18, 2009

Dana Milbank reports that moments ago in the halls of the Rayburn House Office Building a scrum of reporters mistook a man named Zippy Duvall (president of the Georgia Farm Bureau) for Edward Liddy (Chairman of A.I.G.).

Writes Milbank: “As soon as one cameraman began to follow Zippy Duvall, all the others, fearful of missing the crucial image, joined in the chase,” with reporters shouting questions. But:

If the lack of Liddy’s white hair didn’t give it away, surely the peanut-print tie and the farm-bureau lapel pin should have. “We’re here to represent farmers,” Duvall explained as the questioners began to disperse….

UPDATE: Separated at birth?



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Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.