the kicker

Squawked Out

In a year of viral video, here’s a new one where independent Presidential candidate Ralph Nader bemoans the lack of press attention that his campaign (and...
September 16, 2008

In a year of viral video, here’s a new one where independent Presidential candidate Ralph Nader bemoans the lack of press attention that his campaign (and his issues) are getting by somberly commiserating with a parrot, and wondering to what depths he may have to stoop.

It’s a worthy question, deserving of a more serious discussant than a bird–even if it’s a bird named Cardozo.

But back to the video! Its highlight: “Sometimes I think I have to dress up as a panda and go over to the zoo and cast some amorous glances at a female panda…”

Clint Hendler is the managing editor of Mother Jones, and a former deputy editor of CJR.