Where Is the Outrage as U.S. Refuses to Open Doors For Iraqi Refugees? December 19, 2006 By Andrew Bielak Iraq’s porous borders have been leaking citizens for nearly two years — so why did it take so long for the press to start pressing the issue?
Pinochet Dies, But the Blogging Debate Continues December 12, 2006 By Andrew Bielak In the blogosphere, our favorite online pundits debate what the Chilean dictator wrought.
Newsosaur Sparks News Desk Debate December 7, 2006 By Andrew Bielak Amid the clamorous discussion over the dire future of daily newspapers, a new debate was opened this week over the value of continuous news desks.
The Definition Delay December 1, 2006 By Andrew Bielak In many ways the press has a duty to be the caretaker of our public discourse, and that means paying attention to the language used in that discourse.
As Iraq Study Group Meets, Bloggers Uniformly Cynical November 27, 2006 By Andrew Bielak Bloggers of all stripes seemed to come together to express cynicism and unease at the prospects of the commission’s upcoming recommendations.
Pelosi Backs Murtha, Bloggers Give Punditry November 13, 2006 By Andrew Bielak Afterwards, a number of liberal bloggers supported the Democratic leadership, while other commentators found themselves less excited about Murtha’s prospects.
Bloggers Chide Bush For Dissembling, Post For Deletion November 10, 2006 By Andrew Bielak Bloggers debate how plainly the press should state the president’s acknowledgment that he misled reporters.
The Rummyosphere Responds November 9, 2006 By Andrew Bielak Following the Congressional midterm election and president Bush’s sacking of Sec. of Defense Donald Runsfeld, the blogosphere debates the legacy of good old Rummy.
Times Publishes, Pentagon Investigates, Bloggers Debate November 2, 2006 By Andrew Bielak With the paper again under fire for publishing classified intelligence, bloggers consider the importance of the latest leak.
Times Tries to Predict Future, Bloggers Disagree October 30, 2006 By Andrew Bielak The Blog Report is a regular feature in which CJR Daily looks at how big news stories are playing in the blogosphere.