A laurel for the Sun Sentinel October 14, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith Paper’s I-team takes a hard look at how–and why–one police department lures drug buyers to town
Florida goes solo on Common Core tests October 3, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith And the early coverage does some things well–but key questions remain to be tackled
A laurel for The Miami Herald September 20, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith The FBI has been busy in Miami, thanks to the Herald–and to shenanigans in Florida’s 26th Congressional District
Return of the water wars August 27, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith As Florida and Georgia fight it out, what story you get depends on which state you’re in
Unlocking stories behind bars July 25, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith Florida is privatizing much of the state’s prison healthcare, and the companies getting these big contracts have a history well worth exploring
Fifty worst charities: a reporters’ resource July 3, 2013 By Susannah Nesmith A Laurel to the Tampa Bay Times and the Center for Investigative Reporting for a report that other journalists can put to work